Huer Sour Rainbow Creme Whips – 70g
Whip your tastebuds with this sour candy!
You’ll love to chase this rainbow! The Huer Sour Rainbow Creme Whips are the best of both worlds.
You’ll be spoiled with its sweet fondant filling and its sour candy punch. The outer layer is chewy, much like a gummy candy texture, and is coated in a sanded sugar finish, adding a slight crunch to the texture.
Experience sweet and sour all in one terrific bite! Biting through this long and lovely rainbow-colored marvel is nothing short of sensational.
The middle is lusciously sweet, and the outside is filled with that sour candy zing.
Forget that pot of gold; this rainbow is where it’s at! Whip your taste buds into action with the Huer Sour Rainbow Creme Whips!