Dunkin’ Chocolate Eggs – 9oz
Easter Candy from Dunkin’!
We bet you dollars to donuts you’ll fall in love with these chocolate eggs!
The Dunkin’ Chocolate Eggs are all you’ve ever dreamed of in a chocolate egg!
These delicious chocolate eggs come with an assortment of donut-filled flavors. Get ready to experience a donut like never before, Dunkin’ Donut style, with jelly donut, brownie batter and coconut flavors.
You’ll love to sink your teeth into these one-of-a-kind eggs. Every egg is encased in rich milk chocolate and offers a flavorful and creamy middle.
The Easter Bunny loves these chocolate eggs. He can often be found devouring these eggs for breakfast along with his morning cup of coffee!
Fill up those Easter baskets or share them with your Easter company! These make an excellent Easter Candy!
Hop to the fun with the egg-citing taste of Dunkin’ Chocolate Eggs!